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What is sex therapy?

Talking about sex can be difficult especially with those we are most intimate with and so you may be considering some outside, professional help, so let’s talk about sex therapy. You might be wondering, what is sex therapy?

Sex therapy can be helpful in treating emotionally motivated sexual issues and sexual dysfunctions that are both emotional and physical. So, let’s talk about what sex therapy is and how it can help you. Sexual well-being is an essential part of overall emotional and physical well-being, it is not some disparate part of you as it has an effect on the balance of your overall health, but it is an area that often gets neglected and remains untreated. Sex therapy could help you no matter what your sexual issues or sexual dysfunctions are.

At Tantric Journey we answer the question of what is sex therapy all the time and we understand that if you’re experiencing a sexual problem, the last thing you probably want to do is talk about it, we understand that it can be difficult to talk about and embarrassing to share details of your difficulties, but at Tantric Journey our trained therapists are here to help. If shame is holding you back from seeking help and booking a sex therapy session then the first thing you should consider is that: 43 percent of women and 31 percent of men report some degree of sexual dysfunction at some point in their life.

Answering the question of, ‘what is Sex therapy?’ is complex, because people’s treatment plans can vary because no two people’s treatment needs will be the same, but essentially Sex therapy is designed to get to the bottom of sexual issues, like shame, guilt, embarrassment and release such negative emotions that are causing problems such as erectile dysfunction or painful intercourse.

Contrary to what you may have imagined there’s nothing strange, sexually deviant, erotic or kinky going on behind the door of a sex therapist. Instead the sex therapy offered by Tantric Journey is a professional treatment that incorporates talking therapies, body work and emotional release techniques.
For more information and answers about sex therapy and for answers to the question, what is sex therapy? Visit our website

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